Lieux communs

    Réalisé par Martine Deyres • Écrit par Martine Deyres
    France • 2003 • 14 minutes • DV Cam • Couleur

Une gare TGV posée dans la campagne. Vision en filigrane d’un lieu banal de la modernité.

The latest incarnation of modernity: the railway station of the middle of nowhere. Valences’ high-speed train station is away from the town. Everything there is "functional". From the enormous car park to the platforms, nothing inspires you to take a stroll. It is a through the traveller’s disappearance had been programmed. The murmur of soft voices over the loudspeakers, the screens, the staff’s automated gestures. In the gigantic ice-palace, only the window cleaner comes and goes with his trolley... Here, everything is under control.

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