Irak : agonie d'une nation

    Réalisé par Paul Moreira • Écrit par Paul Moreira
    France • 2007 • 52 minutes • DV Cam • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    ISAN 0000-0001-B725-0000-V-0000-0000-I

Quels sont les acteurs et les responsables de la guerre civile qui déchire le pays ? Comment vivent les Irakiens au quotidien ? Les chiffres officiels parlent de 50 000 morts, mais une étude statistique de l’université John Hopkins arrive à un chiffre effroyable : 650 000 victimes depuis le début de l’invasion américaine. Chiites, Sunnites et Kurdes ne cessent de s’entre massacrer. Où est la vérité ?
L’Irak est devenu un trou noir de l’actualité mondiale. Un trou noir paradoxal dont on nous parle tous les soirs au journal télévisé, bilan macabre, chiffre abstrait des cadavres ramassés chaque matin, mais sur lesquels on ne sait rien.
Qui tue qui ? Les terroristes islamistes sont-ils les seuls à massacrer les civils irakiens ? Pourquoi la police semble-t-elle incapable de faire régner l’ordre ? Que font les Américains ?
Au plus fort du conflit qui déchire l’Irak, Paul Moreira est allé mener l’enquête sur les racines de la guerre civile et la lente agonie d’une nation. Comprendre pourquoi, pour les Irakiens, la police est devenue synonyme de menace. Pourquoi certains cadavres portent des menottes de police toutes neuves aux poignets.

Iraq has become a black hole in the world news. A paradoxical black hole reported about every day in the news, gruesome statistics, abstract number of bodies picked up every morning on which we know nothing. Who kills who? Are the Islamic terrorists the only ones to kill the Iraqi civilians? Why is the police unable to maintain public order? What are the Americans doing about it? At the peak of the conflict in Iraq, we went to investigate the origins of the civil war and the slow agony of a nation. To understand why for the Iraqis the police forces have become synonymous of danger. Why most dead bodies are wearing brand new police handcuffs.
The film shows how the militias linked to confessional movements have infiltrated the armed forces to wage a sectarian war under cover of police uniforms. There is virtually no more State. We met a terrorized population, which no one hears, no one protects. There is no more sanctuary. Men in uniforms kidnap dozens of civilians right into the offices of ministries and take them off in official cars. They are usually Shiite militias. They joined the armed forces in 2004, with the consent of the Americans, who hoped to put an end to the Sunni insurrection by using their old Shiite enemies. In Washington the strategy was called: the Salvador option. Ex-American experts in counter-insurrection in Central America were sent to Iraq. The unintended consequences of this method are dramatic. The militias have escaped all control and turned into death squads. And the Al Qaeda terrorists take advantage of the chaos created by the inter-confessional war.

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