Liberté sur paroles

    Réalisé par Jean-Marc Mahy, Daniel Nokin • Écrit par Jean-Marc Mahy, Daniel Nokin
    Belgique • 2007 • 50 minutes • DV Cam • Couleur

Documentaire réalisé par un ex-détenu et un journaliste, entre l’outil pédagogique et le documentaire, cette vidéo se veut engagée, pertinente et ne laisse personne indifférent. Jean-Marc Mahy, ex-détenu et aujourd’hui éducateur prend la parole et la donne aux autres pour partager son expérience : la prison ne rend pas homme, une vie après la prison est possible.

Helping young people in trouble not to engage in delinquency, prove to prisoners and ex-prisoners that reintegration is possible as long as you are ready for it: it is the battle that Jean-Marc Mahy had been leading since 2003, date of his liberation after more than 18 years in prison. You may have seen him on TV, heard him on the radio or met at your school. In the shadow of the media, he walks along the corridors of the IPPJ, universities and business organisations that help with reintegration. Wherever he goes, Jean-Marc Mahy has never stopped talking about his experience and conclusions: to people who still believe, he explains that prison does not make a man; to people who have done time, he reassures them that there is life after prison, and that all the doors are never definitely closed and that everyone is able to make a come back, step by step. "Liberté on Paroles" is a touching film, filled with hope.

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