Valentina Postika in attesa di partire

Titre anglais : Valentina Postika Waiting to Leave
    Réalisé par Caterina Carone • Écrit par Caterina Carone
    Italie • 2009 • 73 minutes • Mini DV • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Pas de résumé français disponible.

Valentina is the carer of Carlo, an 88 year old partisan from Pesaro and former leader of the Communist Party in the 50s.
Their necessary cohabitation, closed within the walls of a small suburban apartment, takes place between silences, arguments and misunderstandings, moments of friendship and coldness.
Carlo, caught up in his political defeats, retraces the past through archive materials from his library. Valentina thinks of tomorrow when she will be able to return to Moldavia to hold her three children once again. The months, hours and minutes pass slowly and far from the bustle of city life, while Carlo and Valentina spend one last year together.

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