Hitler et les nazis
Réalisé par Karl T Hirsch • Écrit par Karl T Hirsch
États-Unis • 2011 • 240 minutes • Couleur et Noir & Blanc
- Réalisation :
Karl T Hirsch - Écriture :
Karl T Hirsch - Montage :
Karl T Hirsch
- Production (structure) :
VMI (Vantage Media International) - Ayant droit :
VMI (Vantage Media International)
- N° ISAN :
ISAN 0000-0005-19D9-0000-F-0000-0000-T
Hitler et les nazis revient sur la période la plus sombre de l'histoire contemporaine. Tout débuta avec le Traité de Versailles, qui humilia l'Allemagne et la mit financièrement à genoux. Le cauchemar prit fin avec les procès de Nuremberg consécutifs à la découverte des camps de la mort. Entre ces deux dates, il y eut la naissance du mouvement nazi dans un pays en quête de revanche, l'arrivée au pouvoir d'Adolf Hitler, homme soi-disant providentiel, la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la campagne de Russie, le projet d'extermination des juifs d'Europe. A travers le parcours d'Hitler, c'est toute cette histoire que retrace "Hitler et les nazis".
In 1919, a corporal in the German Army was sent home after the end of World War One. He found his country in economic and social ruins, its heritage and pride irreparably damaged by the Western allies of France, Britain, and the United States. It was a time ripe for change. And Adolf Hitler vowed not only to restore his country to its rightful glory, but to someday, personally, exact excruciating revenge upon its enemies. First in politics, and then with his unbeatable Wehrmacht, Hitler and the Nazis would not only achieve this goal, but come close to taking over the entire world. They left behind a wake of terror and destruction still felt to this day, and left an indelible mark on modern history as one of the most evil regimes of modern times. From the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 to the hanging docks at Nuremberg in 1947, this uncompromising documentary follows Adolf Hitler's cunning and ruthless quest to take over Germany, his brainwashing of Germany's young people, his insane dreams of Jewish genocide, his creation of one of the world's most feared military forces, and his pursuit of global domination. Including interviews by eye-witnesses of the takeover of France, the invasion at Normandy, the death camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the military failure at Stalingrad, and the fall of Berlin, Hitler & The Nazis is the true story of the rise and fall of a hate-fueled and manipulative madman, and those who faithfully followed him
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