
Titre anglais : The Archipelago
    Réalisé par Benjamin Huguet • Écrit par Benjamin Huguet
    Royaume-Uni • 2015 • 41 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    ISAN 0000-0005-2130-0000-L-0000-0000-B

Pendant des siècles, les habitants des Îles Féroé n'ont dû leur survie qu'aux rares ressources naturelles dont disposent leurs sols infertiles. Aujourd'hui la communauté tente de maintenir son mode de vie ancestral, préférant ses ressources locales aux produits importés. Ainsi les Féringiens continuent de chasser la baleine pour sa viande, une pratique non-commerciale mais controversée. Ce film débute à l'été 2014, quand l'ONG Sea Shepherd, fer de lance international de la lutte contre la chasse à la baleine, annonce l'arrivée de centaines de militants sur l'archipel. L'affrontement entre ces deux visions de l'environnement pourrait bien changer pour toujours le visage des Féroé.

The Faroe Islands: a group of dramatically beautiful islands, exposed to the wildly changeable weather of the vast North Atlantic. A community in transition, connected to the modern world and its technology, it is also a place where people and nature are intrinsically linked. For centuries the Faroese have proudly lived to a large extent off the natural resources at their disposal – a pact between mankind and the wilderness based on balance and self-sustainability. This includes hunting the pilot whales, a non-commercial, but controversial practice that has long been under the scrutiny of western society. And now the international community is preparing to step in. Bjartur is a young man and father, proudly providing for his family through traditional means. Trondur, an artist who lives on a secluded hill, observes the changes that have occurred over his long life, and reflects on his worldwide travels investigating methods of whale hunting. Olavur, the calm, collected and pious head of the local whalers’ society, is a champion of national traditions and a proud Faroese. This film is a portrait of a nation that for many years has lived undisturbed. But now, as the International NGO Sea Shepherd announces its largest ever anti-whaling campaign, it is forced to defend its way of life. The arrival of activists and the clash between these two opposing ecological visions could well change the face of the archipelago forever.

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