
    Réalisé par Lynette Wallworth • Écrit par Lynette Wallworth
    États-Unis, Brésil, Australie • 2018 • 30 minutes • Couleur

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For the Amazonian Yawanawa, medicine has the power to transport us in a vision to a world that lies within the world we know. At the request of the Yawanawa and Hushahu, their first woman shaman-artist, Wallworth uses technology like medicine to fulfil their dream: send a message out.
Awavena is a collaboration between a community and an artist melding technology and transcendent experience to share a vision and tell the story of a people who ascended from the edge of extinction. The film aims not to provoke empathy for the Yawanawa, it is a gift from them to those who virtually visit their forest and experience a portal, opened to their world view.

Mot(s)-clé(s) thématique(s)
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