5 Maisons

Titre original : 5 Casas
Titre anglais : 5 Houses
    Réalisé par Bruno Gularte Barreto • Écrit par Bruno Gularte Barreto
    Brésil, Allemagne • 2020 • 85 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Très beau travail visuel à partir de photos d’enfance du réalisateur, stockées dans les cartons d’une bâtisse rurale à la mort de ses parents. Celui-ci retrouve des personnes qui ont marqué sa vie. Il fait affleurer les souvenirs mais aussi les récits actuels, abordant des sujets sociaux tels que l'homophobie, le racisme, le harcèlement, la pollution, l'expropriation, le vieillissement, la solitude...

Bruno Gularte Barreto grew up in Dom Pedrito, a town in the far south of Brazil. His mother died when he was eight, and his father five years after her. Twenty years later, now a photographer and filmmaker, Barreto returns to the place where he left his childhood memories—stored in a few old boxes in his grandfather’s shed.
5 Houses
is a portrait of five people who were important to the filmmaker when he was a child. Apart from a few childhood photos, he himself remains out of the picture. He visits a teacher who used to take care of him, and a gay childhood friend. Their combined stories—about exclusion and terror, but also love—paint a portrait of a small, somewhat oppressive community and a boy who lost his sense of security within it, despite the help he was offered. In his wistful look at the past, Barreto transcends his personal experiences; anyone can identify with his bittersweet journey.

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