Le Legs

    Réalisé par Christian Palligiano • Écrit par Christian Palligiano
    France • 2003 • 56 minutes • DV Cam + Super 8 • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Les ancêtres et leurs histoires, la maison et ses objets qui ont traversé le temps, ce passé qui habite notre quotidien, en quoi nous constitue-t-il ? Que doit-on aux racines familiales, aux traditions sociales, consciemment et inconsciemment ? J'ai tenté d'y répondre en racontant l'histoire de l'héritage culturel et affectif qui m'a été transmis par ma grand-mère corse et centenaire à travers le don de sa maison natale.

Our ancestors and their history, a house with objects that have come down to us through the years, a past that is part of our daily lives. How does all this shape us ? What do we owe to family roots, whether or not we are aware of it ? “This film arose out of my trying to understand why I was so attached to Corsica even through I was not born there. How was it that, over time and as a result of sporadic yet deep periods of immersion there, I had come to identify myself with an isolated valley in the south of the island to such an extent that I was even contemplating spending my last days there ? And how had these close ties grown to finally become an inescapable part of me ? Writing and making this film meant drawing on my memories, my first amateur films and the family photograph album.”

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