
Titre anglais : Troublemaker
    Réalisé par Fernando Romero Forsthuber • Écrit par Fernando Romero Forsthuber
    Espagne, Autriche • 2017 • 94 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Né Palestinien dans l’État d’Israël, Jowan Safadi est un musicien célèbre à travers tout le monde arabe. Il n’a pas peur de s’attaquer à des sujets tabous, ce qui lui a valu d’être au cœur de controverses à plusieurs reprises : après avoir fait l’objet d’une enquête de la police israélienne pour "incitation au terrorisme", sa dernière tournée en Jordanie s’est terminée par son arrestation par les autorités. À présent, un tout nouveau défi s’impose à Jowan : il doit assumer ses responsabilités paternelles depuis que son fils Don, âgé de 15 ans, a emménagé chez lui.

Jowan Safadi, born as Palestinian in the State of Israel, is a famous musician and a true free spirit. With his band Fish Samak he delivers songs ranging from the political and social to the emotional and philosophical and gathered a huge fan-community in the Arabic world. Jowan is unafraid to speak his mind or tackle taboo subjects, and his lyrics, at once penetrating and witty, have also courted controversy on several occasions: Previously investigated by Israeli police for “inciting terrorism”, his last tour to Jordan ended with his arrest and an overnight stay in a Jordanian prison cell. However, his 15-year-old son DON moved to his home shortly. Now, Jowan has to face a whole new challenge: on the one hand, he continues to fight for his ideals and his music, but at the same time he has to take paternal responsibility and offer his son a suitable environment. But this cant´t prevent him from again making some trouble in the region.

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