Au royaume des champignons

Titre original : The Kingdom of Fungi
    Réalisé par Annamária Tálas, Simon Nasht • Écrit par Annamária Tálas, Simon Nasht
    Australie, Canada • 2018 • 52 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Premiers organismes apparus il y a un milliard d’années, les mycètes semblent inclassables : ni plantes, ni animaux, ils sont l’une des clés de la vie sur Terre. Plusieurs scientifiques nous proposent d’explorer ce monde de l’infiniment petit… aux pouvoirs extraordinaires !

You find fungi in Antarctica and in nuclear reactors. They live inside your lungs and your skin is covered with them. Fungi are the most under appreciated and unexplained organisms, yet they could cure you from smallpox and turn cardboard boxes into forests. They could even transform Mars into Eden. There are vastly more fungi species than plants and each and every one of them play a crucial role in life’s support systems. Join us on a journey into the mysterious world of Fungi to witness their beauty, unravel their mysteries and discover how this secret kingdom is essential to life on Earth, and may in fact hold the key to our future.

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