En attendant le carnaval

Titre original : Estou me guardando para quando o Carnaval chegar
Titre anglais : Waiting for the Carnival
    Réalisé par Marcelo Gomes • Écrit par Marcelo Gomes
    Brésil • 2019 • 86 minutes • Couleur

Dans la région reculée du Nord Este au Brésil, le petit village de Toritama est un microcosme du capitalisme impitoyable. Chaque année, plus de 20 millions de paires de jeans sont produites dans des usines de fortune. Les gens du pays travaillent sans arrêt, fiers d’être maîtres de leur temps. Pendant le Carnaval, seul moment de loisir de l’année, ils transgressent la logique de l’accumulation des biens, vendent leurs affaires sans regret et fuient vers les plages à la recherche du bonheur éphémère.

In Agreste, a dry, poor region in north-eastern Brazil, lies the city of Toritama with its 40,000 inhabitants. About 20 million pairs of jeans are produced and finished here annually, resulting in the town being known as the "capital of jeans". In addition to the gigantic textile factories, some of the town’s inhabitants have founded so-called ‘factiones’ in garages and backyards where they work independently as small-business entrepreneurs and organise the workload themselves.
Marcelo Gomez’s film paints a picture of a town where the majority of inhabitants live from the jeans business and where the sewing machines never seem to stand still, even for a moment. Only during carnival season does the city feel like a ghost town, for this is the time when almost everyone goes to the coast for a few days. Some even sell their fridges or television sets to finance this trip. Shot in largely static, observational images and with a rich soundscape, this film not only documents the lives and work, dreams and desires of the protagonists – it also uses this microcosm to depict the excesses of modern-day capitalism and shows ways in which they can be overcome.

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