Ghana pour vous

Titre original : Ghana for You
    Réalisé par Adams Mensah • Écrit par Adams Mensah
    Ghana, Belgique • 2018 • 79 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Dans le Ghana pour vous, Adams Mensah parcourt le Ghana vec un groupe d'amis pour recueillir les différentes perceptions quant aux motivations et l'idée imaginaire que les ghanéens ont de l'Europe ou du monde occidental.

Filmmaker and actor Adams Mensah returns to Ghana, the country where he was born and where he spent half of his life. Together with Belgian and Ghanaian friends, he travels through Ghana and tries to find out why Ghanaians want to leave their country. What do they miss in Ghana and are they aware of the personal and social consequences of migration? Starting from his own personal experiences, Adams tries to find answers and explanations. A road trip to learn more about Ghana, its inhabitants and himself.

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