Bimi Shu Ikaya

    Réalisé par Isaka Huni Kuin, Zezinho Yube, Siã Huni Kuin • Écrit par Isaka Huni Kuin, Zezinho Yube, Siã Huni Kuin
    Brésil • 2018 • 52 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Bimi est la première femme autochtone Huni Kuin à devenir cheffe. La hiérarchie et les traditions patriarcales du peuple Huni Kuin l’ont poussée à quitter sa terre d’origine pour fonder et organiser un nouveau village.

Bimi, Shu Ikaya is a TV movie that takes a deep dive into the life trajectory of Bimi, Master Craftswoman who became a political leader for her Aldeia Segredo do Artesão/Tarauacá-Acre, an activity essentially assigned to men, and obtained the acknowledgement of their Native Land. The movie gives voice and visibility to the agonies and desires of indigenous women, conceiving a new gaze and debate about indigenous femininity and their ways of protagonism.

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