Mission régénération

Titre original : Kiss the Ground
    Réalisé par Josh Tickell, Rebecca Tickell • Écrit par Johnny O'Hara, Josh Tickell, Rebecca Tickell
    États-Unis, France, Chine, Ouganda, Zimbabwe • 2020 • 85 minutes • Couleur

Les sols de la planète sont LA clé pour inverser le réchauffement climatique. En effet, en les régénérant, nous pouvons totalement stabiliser le climat de la Terre, restaurer les écosystèmes perdus et créer des réserves alimentaires abondantes. De quelle manière la nourriture que vous mangez peut inverser le cours des choses, guérir votre corps et finalement sauver notre monde ?

"About two-thirds of the world's soil is desertifying, and the remaining topsoil will be gone within 60 years. Pesticides rebranded for farms from toxic chemicals developed by German scientist Fritz Haber, who also developed the poisons used in the gas chambers of the Holocaust, have been turning the world’s soil into dirt for decades, leading to poverty and global warming. There is hope, however, with “regenerative agriculture,” which could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.
Josh Tickell and Rebecca Tickell examine the eye-opening history of soil narrated by Woody Harrelson. Including historical context about the Dust Bowl—the largest man-made environmental disaster—the film follows modern-day conservationists such as Ray Archuleta, who teaches farmers regenerative agriculture, and French Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Le Foll, who introduced the “4 per 1,000” Initiative, which 30 countries signed except for the US, China, and India. Kiss the Ground takes us around the world, showing a global movement to regenerate the world’s soil. A revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians band together [...]"
(Judd Taylor - Tribeca Film Festival)

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