Rien que le soleil

Titre original : Apenas el sol
Titre anglais : Nothing But the Sun
    Réalisé par Arami Ullón • Écrit par Arami Ullón
    Suisse, Paraguay • 2020 • 90 minutes & 75 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Pour tenter de préserver des fragments de leur culture en voie de disparition, Mateo parcourt le Chaco paraguayen, une région aride et désolée. Il enregistre sur des cassettes les expériences d'autres Ayoreo qui, comme lui, sont nés dans la forêt, libres et nomades, sans aucun contact avec la civilisation blanche, jusqu'à ce que les missionnaires religieux les obligent à abandonner leur territoire ancestral, leurs moyens de subsistance, leurs croyances et leur foyer.

Mateo Sobode Chiqueno’s Ayoreo ancestors worshiped the sun, which they saw as a superior and generous being. But for him and his generation, the sun has primarily become a threat, turning deforested areas into dry, dusty plains—filmed here beautifully but ominously.
Some Ayoreo still live in seclusion in the forests of the Chaco in Paraguay. But many more, among them Sobode Chiqueno, were herded into isolated settlements by missionaries, who took their land and forcibly converted them to Christianity.
He started recording Ayoreo conversations, stories, and songs in the 1970s, and is still traveling to Ayoreo communities with his now-antique cassette recorder to interview them and collect their voices for his audio archive. Occasionally the device eats a tape, which he fixes with patient fiddling. The conversations express uncertainty about the loss of identity. Is it a problem that a culture disappears in order to adapt to another?

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