Le Horse Palace

    Réalisé par Nadine Gomez • Écrit par Nadine Gomez
    Canada (Québec) • 2012 • 68 minutes • Couleur

Autrefois l’un des quartiers les plus densément peuplés du pays, Griffintown est aujourd’hui parsemé de terrains vagues et de zones inhabitées. Mais au détour d’une petite rue, au fond d’une allée de terre, le soleil se lève encore sur le Horse Palace. Leo Leonard, son propriétaire, se tient debout, seul, fragile, à l’image de cet endroit qui incarne toute sa vie. À 83 ans, Leo, dernier représentant de la communauté irlandaise qui a fondé le quartier, doit se résigner à quitter les lieux.

Once, one of Canada’s most densely populated districts, Griffintown is now dotted with vacant lots and uninhabited areas. At the corner of a small street, at the end of a dirt alley, the sun rises on The Horse Palace. Leo Leonard, the owner, stands lonely and fragile, just like this place that is his whole life. But at 83, Leo, the ultimate representative of the Irish community which founded this neighbourhood, must resign himself to leave. What will become of this century old building and its inspiring picturesque beauty? Where will Jean, Judy and the other coachmen, who work here everyday, go? Will the land fall into the hands of real estate promoters, greedy for space to build new condos? Will the foundation that was set up to preserve the stable be able to insure its survival?

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