Both Ears to the Ground

    Réalisé par Naïmé Perrette • Écrit par Naïmé Perrette
    France • 2021 • 27 minutes • HD • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Les mines de sels se creusent chaque jour davantage sous la ville de Berezniki, en Oural. Vidé de ses sédiments d'une autre ère, le sol s'est effondré par endroits. Les bâtiments engloutis captivent les journalistes, mais n'intéressent plus les habitants qui vivent grâce à l'industrie, malgré ses failles.

Berezniki was born because of salt mines, and got infamous because of the sinkholes they caused. Both Ears on the Ground is a collection of voices revolving around these events. It displays a course of encounters in this city where industries are intermingled with the local culture, while a staging grows around a film being made.
Sinkholes are a combination between human and natural processes, a rapid breaking point of soil and water slow movements happening out of sight. They are both catastrophes from the past and a potential risk being watched for, making them hard to place in time. The very invisibility of these processes triggers questions of belief and trust towards various entities; everyone decide where to place their faith.
Confronting geological and human timescales, the film looks at the sedimentation of soil, its technological exploitation, and successive phases of people's adaptation.The filmmaker wondered if the proximity from sinkholes would have influenced the way people considered stability; but what is a symbol for some is a concrete fact to simply overcome for Berezniki citizen who want to live their most, leaving the image of their "sinking town" to distant eyes.

Mot(s)-clé(s) thématique(s)
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