
Les conséquences catastrophiques du capitalisme sur la pollution à New Delhi et son impact sur la santé de ses habitants. Pour les plus démunis l’urgence climatique est une terrible réalité. L’empoisonnement de l’air qu’ils respirent et de l’eau pour la cuisine, boire, et les rituels de purification.

In a sprawling mega city where the dangers of climate change are present not future, acclaimed filmmaker Rahul Jain shows a world on the brink. Told through striking images and eye-opening accounts from everyday citizens, Invisible Demons delivers a visceral and immersive journey through the stories of just a few of Delhi's 30 million inhabitants fighting to survive. Invisible Demons offers a deeply experiential and new perspective on its subject: the clear and present climate reality. Jain engages the senses by directly stimulating our desire to live in a world with equitable access to clean air and water. Is it possible to imagine this future in Delhi, in India, or anywhere in the modern world?

Sélections et distinctions
  • 2021 • Festival de Cannes • Cannes (France) • Sélection officielle - Séances spéciales
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