Há uma Profeta Nas Olaias, tenham cuidado !

Titre anglais : A Prophet Is Among Us Watch Out!
    Réalisé par Lucas Camargo de Barros • Écrit par Lucas Camargo de Barros
    Brésil, Portugal • 2021 • 8 minutes • Couleur et Noir & Blanc
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

"On se souvient de l’écriture ciselée d’O Pequeno Mal réalisé avec Nicolas Thomé Zetune, qui explorait les failles secrètes d’une relation. Les mêmes vertus sont à l’œuvre dans ce film vif comme l’éclair. 1911, à Olaias, aujourd’hui quartier de Lisbonne, la République portugaise s’installe et impose la laïcisation de l’État. Alors qu’une femme, connue sous le nom d’A Brasileira, la Brésilienne, fait des miracles, sa persécution se fait pressante. Pourtant, d’un plan à l’autre la magie opère, court-circuite les siècles. Jouant librement des couleurs et des cadres, Lucas Camargo de Barros offre ici, sous forme d’hommage au cinéma muet, une fable sur la répression et ses possibles lignes de fuite."
(Nicolas Feodoroff - FIDMarseille)

"Portugal, 1911: times are not easy for those who have faith. After the implantation of the Portuguese republic, the process of secularization of the State gains strength. A woman known as A Brasileira performs miracles and is persecuted at Olaias. Her magic and story cross times, seas and lulls my niece's sleep."

"How could we forget the razor-sharp writing of O Pequeno Mal, directed with Nicolas Thomé Zetune, which explored the secret shortcomings of a relationship. The same virtues are at play in this electrifying film. In 1911, in Olaias, now a neighbourhood in Lisbon, the Portuguese Republic established itself and imposed the secularisation of the State. Meanwhile, a woman, known by the name of A. Brasileira, the Brazilian, works miracles and her persecution becomes ever more urgent. However, from one shot to the next there is magic at work here, short-circuiting the centuries. Playing freely with colours and settings, Lucas Camargo de Barros offers us a fable of repression and its potential escape routes, in the form of a homage to silent film."
(Nicolas Feodoroff - FIDMarseille)

Portugal, 1911: os tempos não são fáceis para aqueles que têm fé. Após a implantação da república portuguesa, o processo de secularização do Estado ganha força. Uma mulher conhecida como A Brasileira faz milagres e é perseguida nas Olaias. Sua magia e história cruzam tempos, mares e embalam o sono de minha sobrinha.

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