Gardien des mondes

Titre anglais : Guardian of the Worlds
    Réalisé par Leila Chaïbi • Écrit par Leila Chaïbi
    France • 2021 • 90 minutes • Video Full HD • Couleur

Il y a près de quarante ans, au pied d'un tombeau et sur un banc, Hassan s'endort d'un sommeil de mort. Depuis, sur les hauteurs du Jellaz en Tunisie, il veille les absents et observe les vivants. Au fil des jours et des nuits, au gré des saisons et des rencontres, ce film permet de découvrir la vie singulière de ce grand cimetière. En quête d'amour et de liberté, entre réalité et rêve, Hassan nous invite à découvrir ses mondes.

Hassan recalls the first night that Jellaz became his shelter. After burying his parents and two brothers, he rested his head at the foot of their graves, fell into a deep sleep, and felt his soul fly. Forty years later, Hassan is Jellaz's guardian, stationed at the crossroads of two worlds. During the day, we follow Hassan as he greets the dead and living alike and services the space as needed - he gardens, builds, cleans, and helps with burial ceremonies. Sometimes he visits crowded neighbourhood cafés and blends into life among the living. The injustices and misery that he witnesses outside of Jellaz meddle with the joy and hope that he feels every day in his enchanted workspace, home, and eventually, deathbed. And then there is Sabrine. She knows what it's like to live a rough and precarious life, and she too is looking for an earthly companion. As Hassan prepares for his own life after death, he shares with us his notes on mercy, memory, and love.

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