Toward a Common Tenderness

    Réalisé par Kaori Oda • Écrit par Kaori Oda
    Japon, Bosnie-Herzégovine • 2017 • 63 minutes • HD • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Entre le Japon et la Bosnie-Herzégovine, une cinéaste se lance dans un voyage physique et spirituel pour comprendre la vie quotidienne dans un pays étranger et comment cela affecte sa conception de la réalisation. Tissant des séquences inutilisées, tournées entre 2013 et 2016, ce film cherche une connexion possible entre sa vie actuelle de cinéaste en Bosnie et son expérience passée à travers la réalisation de films sur sa famille au Japon. Toward A Common Tenderness présente la recherche et les luttes de la cinéaste pour trouver l'humanité dans le cinéma.

In between Japan and Bosnia Herzegovina, a filmmaker embarks on a physical and spiritual journey to understand the daily life in a foreign land and how it affected their thoughts on filmmaking. Weaving their unused personal footages shot between 2013 and 2016, this film seeks for a possible connection between their current life of filmmaking in Bosnia and their past experience through filmmaking towards their family in Japan. Toward A Common Tenderness presents the filmmaker’s search and struggles to find humanity in filmmaking.

"A young Japanese woman in Bosnia-Herzegovina. She is both subject and object of a poetic film research in a foreign land. Attempts to inscribe herself into unfamiliar daily routines. Nomadic invididuality on lonely outposts. What could easily have become self-satisfied introspection is shown in Toward a Common Tenderness as a deficient state of being that must be cracked open. The camera becomes the filmmaker’s physical and spiritual tool to capture her own story, her current human and geographical environment and a path through life that may or may not result from this.
Kaori Oda’s film has a mysterious beauty, a beauty on uncertain terrain. Perhaps it most resembles the kind described by Robert Bresson in his Notes on Cinematography: "The beauty of your film will not be in the images (postcardism) but in the ineffable that they will emit.""
( Ralph Eue - DOK Leipzig)

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