Philippines, sauver la forêt au péril de sa vie

Titre original : Delikado
    Réalisé par Karl Malakunas • Écrit par Karl Malakunas, Laura Nix, Michael Collins
    États-Unis, Royaume-Uni, Australie, Hong Kong, Philippines • 2022 • 94 minutes • Couleur

À Palawan, idyllique destination aux Philippines, les forêts et la faune sont détruites par des exploitants forestiers illégaux. Un groupe de défenseurs de l’environnement aux pieds nus défie la corruption et les menaces de morts, patrouillant la jungle pour prendre les coupables sur le fait, tandis que se tiennent des élections sous haute tension.

Palawan in the Philippines appears to be an idyllic tropical island, with its powder-white beaches and lush forests making it one of Asia’s most visited tourist destinations. But for a small network of environmental crusaders, it is more akin to a battlefield. Bobby, Tata and Nieves – a charismatic lawyer, an ex-illegal logger and a fearless politician – are three magnetic leaders fighting to stop corporations and governments seeking to plunder increasingly valuable natural resources. Often from Indigenous communities, environmental defenders in the Philippines are killed with impunity and the killers are rarely caught. The battles these climate activists fight are shared by allies worldwide – but the abusive government of President Rodrigo Duterte adds urgency to this deepening human rights crisis.

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