Ukrainian Sheriffs

    Réalisé par Roman Bondarchuk • Écrit par Roman Bondarchuk, Dar'ya Averchenko
    Ukraine, Lettonie, Allemagne • 2015 • 85 minutes & 52 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

Viktor et Volodya, deux hommes nommés shérifs locaux par le maire de la ville de Stara Zburyevka, en Ukraine. Alors qu’ils s’occupent d’affaires de canards volés et de voisins ivres, les nouvelles de la guerre et les invitations à rejoindre l'armée leur parviennent. Au-delà de la guerre, Ukrainian Sheriffs offre un aperçu la vie quotidienne d'un village ukrainien et capte la noirceur de l’existence.

The story elevates us to the heights of a human virtue and throws us into the deepest abyss of us hearing and understanding injustice. In a country with the biggest police force in Europe, Ukraine, there is a lack of policemen in rural communities. However, one rural community has found a solution. On the mayor’s initiative, people chose two local men, two retired policemen, Victor and Volodya, and gave them power to take care of the public order, as well as a car, and named them "sheriffs".
Ukrainian Sheriffs is a real life story about two local sheriffs and the villagers of a remote village near Crimea, Stara Zburievka. Following the sheriffs on their everyday duties, the story gives us a look beyond the war and the ongoing political events inside the everyday life of the villagers, foregrounding the tension between personal survival and political justice.
What was meant to be a film about a few people from the Ukrainian countryside and their everyday struggles, arousing mainly from prevalent unemployment, poverty and illiteracy, at the end portrays the faith of a whole nation during the turning period in its history.

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