
Cecilia, Armelle, Gibbo et Sisco sont saisonniers, travaillent dans des champs de monoculture, fabriquent des campements temporaires sur des terres en friche. Là où l’on pourrait les croire piégés dans une vie en marge, ils se dérobent aux préconçus par leur détermination à vivre et penser avec la précarité. Terra in vista est une histoire douce-amère sans gagnant ni perdant. Le récit d’évolutions personnelles, de rencontres et de partage.

"Sisco, Cecilia, Gibbo and Armelle work as hired crop pickers. Along with other seasonal workers, they sleep on the farmers’ land before moving on to the next farm. Their irregular worktime depends on the cyclic changes of the weather. For a while, they pick strawberries in Denmark, and then move on to vine in France or oranges in Spain. Even if they find themselves on the society’s edge, with their nomadic way of life condemned by some and adored by others, they remain relatively free and independent. And it counts both in work and money. Precarity, a daily object of struggle of others, is their very own life style. They do not know what tomorrow will bring for them, yet they are still left with a lot of time for dreams and plays."
(Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)

Cecilia, Armelle, Gibbo e Sisco hanno scelto una vita imprevedibile scandita dal lavoro stagionale. Da un campo all'altro, fanno della loro precarietà un campo di addestramento e di ricerca. Per quale terra in vista?

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