Les Nomades du nucléaire

Titre original : Atomnomaden
Titre anglais : Nuclear Nomads
    Réalisé par Kilian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari • Écrit par Kilian Armando Friedrich, Tizian Stromp Zargari
    Allemagne • 2022 • 72 minutes • Couleur

Marie-Lou, Florian, Jérôme et Vincent sont employés par des sous-traitants de l’industrie nucléaire française. Leur travail consiste à effectuer la maintenance et le remplacement du cœur des réacteurs chaque fois que cela est nécessaire. Pour ce faire, toujours prêts à être envoyés en mission, ils vivent dans des camping-cars devant les centrales. Tous luttent contre la solitude et l’incertitude auxquelles leur travail les expose. Et rêvent de leur vie future, loin des aires de parking et des centrales.

Marie-Lou, Florian, Jerome and Vincent work for subcontractors in the French nuclear industry. Their job: refurbish the reactor cores whenever it is needed. To do this, they live in campervans in front of the power plants, always ready to be sent on. They all fight against the loneliness and unpredictability to which this job leads them. And dream of their lives afterwards. Far away from the parking spots around the power plants.

"A caravan stands directly in front of a nuclear power plant. This image combines a symbol of leisure and holidaymaking with the danger of harmful radiation that threatens France’s "nuclear nomads". These largely young workers may receive impressive bonuses for their job inspecting and cleaning nuclear power plants up and down the country, but they are putting their health, if not their lives, at risk. In between parenting and route planning, they busily add up their daily and weekly radiation doses in the hope that they will be able to earn enough money before they reach the annual maximum and have to stop working.
Profit at the expense of health is an all-too-common model that seems particularly problematic in the nuclear industry. Captivating images of reactors towering on the horizon like dark mountains feature in this poetic, dystopian graduation film by HFF Munich students Kilian Armando Friedrich and Tizian Stromp Zargari. It documents the world of precarious work and draws a connection between individual lives and the universal political question of how we want to, can and must produce energy in the future."

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