• N° ISAN :
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Ce documentaire retrace la route d’Anaïs Quemener, première Française au Schneider Marathon de Paris 2023, championne de France de marathon en 2016 et 2022. Une route jalonnée d’épreuves dont celle du cancer à l’âge de 24 ans. Aide-soignante la nuit, athlète de haut niveau le jour, le parcours d’Anaïs force l’admiration. Dans son court-métrage qui met la sportive à l’honneur, la réalisatrice, Hélène Hadjiyianni livre un portrait de femme fort et puissant.

Anaïs is 32 years old. She is a nursing assistant at the Jean Verdier hospital in Bondy. For her, to live is about running. To live is to be in contact with others, it is to stay in movement. In 2016, she was affected by stage III breast cancer which forced her to review her training score and her life. At the start of 2023, she is preparing to try to beat a new personal best during the Paris marathon. She talks about her journey, her goals, her state of mind, what keeps her going every day: passion, love. Every day is a new opportunity for her to do better than the day before. "Do your best when everything is going well, surpass
yourself when everything is going bad."

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