A discussion about Fogo Island fishing, with some criticisms of the longliners.
By using film as a means of communication, the people of Fogo Island, Newfoundland, voice some of their daily concerns. In this film, Islander Chris Cobb sings his own songs and recites his poems about the old days and the recent changes on Fogo.
This film introduces the Fogo Island/Newfoundland Project series which is an experiment in how film can be a catalyst for social change by serving as a direct means of communication. It gives some basic facts about Fogo Island, Newfoundland, and explains why it was chosen for the film project.
"Découvrir la magie de l’île de Fogo (Terre-Neuve) à travers les yeux d’enfants. Comprendre pourquoi ses habitants se refusent à quitter ses côtes. L’émission "Challenge for Change" proposait à différentes populations d’utiliser le cinéma et la vidéo, dans le but de favoriser le changement social et de donner une voix aux sans-voix. Peu à peu, les habitants ont été davantage impliqués dans le processus de réalisation de ces émissions. Ils filmaient les événements et avaient aussi leur mot à dire ...
A record of the founding meeting of the Fogo Island Ship Building and Producer Co-operative.