Ta'ang, un peuple en exil entre Chine et Birmanie

Titre original : Ta'ang
    Réalisé par Wang Bing • Écrit par Wang Bing
    Chine • 2015 • 148 minutes • Couleur
  • N° ISAN :
    non renseigné

La région de Kokang, au Myanmar, est en prise à une guerre civile depuis des décennies. Au printemps 2015, des membres du peuple Ta’ang – principalement des femmes et des enfants – doivent fuir la région et traverser la frontière chinoise pour sauver leurs vies.
Wang Bing accompagne quelques-unes de ces communautés formées par le destin, qui errent dans des montagnes isolées, peu équipées, dorment dans des camps de fortune, et parviennent parfois à gagner quelques yuan durant la récolte de canne à sucre.

A civil war has been smouldering for decades in Myanmar’s Kokang region, which is home to the Ta’ang people (also known as the Palaung). When their lives are once again in danger in spring 2015, it’s mostly the women and children who flee over the border to China. Wang Bing accompanies a few of these communities thrown together by fate, at once modern and almost mythical and archaic. They wander the remote mountains with few possessions, camp in makeshift compounds and can sometimes earn a few yuan during the sugarcane harvest. Or they move on to the next place – which is never any better. Sometimes, around the evening campfire, they talk about what they’ve experienced – until someone says that it’d be better not to talk at all, it’s too painful. Wang Bing’s film doesn’t try to analyse this forgotten war, but rather shows great sensitivity in bringing us closer to a people in need forgotten by the world. By the end, we feel huge respect for them – if only for the dignity with which they erect their shacks for yet another night for themselves and their children, reassuring their own mothers via mobile phone that everything’s OK: they have each other, they’re thus not afraid.

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